Restaurant Fire System | Commercial Grease Removal | Nationwide Fire Protection corp.
Written by NFP August 9, 2018

Restaurant Fire System - Denver, CO –Nationwide Fire Protection corp. takes grease fires seriously. We know that thousands of grease fires are started in commercial restaurant kitchens across the United States yearly, causing property damage, restaurant closures, and injuries. This is why we take a multi-pronged approach to prevent fires.

Instead of just providing fire suppression equipment, we offer a full array of commercial cleaning services that can help even the busiest kitchen create an atmosphere where fire cannot easily spread.

Professional Cleaning vs. Staff Cleaning for Fire Prevention

Every restaurant kitchen should have daily and weekly tasks for the staff to complete in order to prevent fire. Wiping down the range, washing the backsplash, degreasing appliances, cleaning the floor,etc.--should all be required daily. However, an expert commercial kitchen cleaning crew should be called in periodically.

There is something that a professional service can provide that cannot be overstated: industrial-grade solvents and machinery. These should be a part of your routine at least quarterly. While cleaning your employees do at the restaurant should be standard practice to keep your space clear of the most obvious fire-conductive films, it is necessary to do something more. Here is what NFP can do to prevent grease fires:

  • Water pressure: Scrubbing and wiping down surfaces is helpful, but there is nothing like cleaning all the problem areas with high-friction hot water. This washes away stubborn debris and helps blast away grease films.
  • Ultra-heated steam: Besides friction, which can be provided by scrubbing or high water pressure, the temperature of the water needs to be sufficiently high to dissolve stubborn grease spots. Staff can use hot tap water for their cleaning tasks, but it will never be the same as steam heated to a very high temperature. Steam can reach difficult to reach areas that cannot be easily power washed--like ceilings.
  • Industrial-grade solvents: The best degreaser you can purchase at a store will only be a fraction of how concentrated and powerful our degreasing solutions are. A little goes a long way in de-greasing all your surfaces, hood, exhaust, and more.

For dedicated commercial cleaning services, call NFP at 800-750-7313 we offer a quality guarantee for your convenience and peace of mind.

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