Written by NFP March 29, 2018

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It is comforting to think that your sprinkler system is installed properly as your first line of defense against destructive fires, but restaurant managers should know that sprinklers – just like your alarm system – is only one aspect of your overall fire protection system.
It is a fact that sprinklers are very useful in case of a fire. Once activated, the sprinkler heads will thoroughly wet down the area at the base of the fire in an attempt to extinguish it. The water or chemical mixture is also designed to keep intense heat or flying embers from starting secondary fires.
And sprinklers are very effective. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) statistics, businesses with fire sprinklers installed experienced 60% less damages than business with no sprinkler system installed.
Water and chemical are not the only types of sprinkler systems. There are wet systems, dry systems, pre-action systems, deluge systems, foam systems, back flow prevention and standpipe systems, just to name a few.
And of course, fire extinguishers can help to put small fires out before sprinklers are even needed.

Inspections are Necessary

Running a commercial kitchen presents a threat of fire at every turn. All the ranges, broilers, ovens, and fryers can spark up at the least expected time. Because danger abounds, having your sprinklers inspected and maintained regularly can keep your property and personnel safe.
Your sprinklers should be installed, designed, inspected, maintained, repaired, and replaced by trained professionals. But you should never rely solely on your sprinklers, for one very important reason.

A Component of Your Overall System

Having sprinklers installed is ideal, but spraying water or chemicals all over the food or equipment is never a great idea. That is why you should make sure all of your other kitchen equipment is in good working order, particularly those involved in fire prevention.
Vent hoods and fans, grease hood systems, hood filters, emergency lighting, and your building’s HVAC system will keep the air your employees breathe healthy and your building and property intact. The chance of fire will be greatly reduced, and your sprinklers will be a component that is there but not needed.

Top Brands & Experts in Fire Prevention

When it comes to the inspection, maintenance or repair of your sprinkler or hood vent systems, you should only trust the professionals. At Nationwide Fire Protection corp., we offer expert quality and craftsmanship and top brands of all major fire suppression equipment. Our goal is to make it so that you never have to worry about fires at all. But if a fire is to break out, our components, along with our fire sprinklers, will keep those flames from doing any damage or harm.
Contact Nationwide Fire Protection corp. today by phoning (800) 750-7313 or emailing us for a free quote in Denver, Colorado.
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